Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tell It All By Being Different

In the previous edition of our “Tell It!” series, we indicated that the tongue is the most powerful marketing and promotions instrument for the entrepreneur.  We also said that one of the ways to promote your business is to follow up on remarks made to you by people during social events.  Responding to prompts received during social events may contain useful leads.  These are, however not the only source to find opportunities for promoting your business.

In subsequent series, we will discuss basic methods that the entrepreneur can use to promote and advertise their business.  Readers should not view these methods should not be viewed as the only ways to promote their businesses.

Management scientists, business strategists and marketing experts all agree that efficient marketing relies on a differentiation statement or unique positioning.  What does this mean in ordinary language?

Differentiation means that a business is better at some things than others are.  Think, for example of two restaurants next to one another.  Let us assume that both are French Bistros.  Let us also assume that both serve the same menus.  Visiting Bistro 1, the patron notices that an order arrives within twenty minutes after being placed.  The patron also notices that Bistro 2 ensures that an order arrives within twenty minutes.  So far, both restaurants are the same.

Let us now assume that the ingredients used in Bistro 1 are about three days old and that Bistro 2 uses ingredients that came in this morning.  In addition, let us assume that Bistro 1 buys vegetables from the market and Bistro 2 grows its own vegetables in a small organic garden.

Which Bistro differentiated it in the eyes of the patron?  Clearly, Bistro 2 has the so-called edge over Bistro 1.

Taking the example further, let us look at the wait staff at both Bistros.  The watrons in Bistro 1 are all well groomed and friendly.  The watrons in Bistro 2 are a bit dishevelled and passive aggressive.  Does Bistro 2 still have an edge over its competitor?  In the view of Skopus Business Consultants, we would not visit anyone of these Bistros.  We may want to consider a place where orders arrive on time, the food is well presented, the chef uses the freshest ingredients possible in a squeaky-clean kitchen, AND the wait staff is friendly and clearly has a passion for what they do.

Differentiation or unique positioning, in other words, is all about how a business can stand out far above its competitors.  And the funny things is that differentiation sometimes means more common sense than spending lots of money on décor, advertising or the clichéd “location, location, location”.  Location is important and we will talk about that later.

However, in our view, differentiation has a slight edge over location.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tell It!

One of the main issues that a new enterprise faces is how to attract clients.  There are many books that one can read about the issue.  Despite what all the gurus say, there is one and only one resource at the entrepreneur’s disposal that will make a world of a difference to any business – whether it is a start-up or a business that has been running for years.  The remarkable thing is that this resource is free.  It costs the entrepreneur not a single penny to use this resource.

What can this magic formula be?  If it is free, then it cannot have anything to do with money.  In addition, how can something that is free, be trusted?  Free is the one word in any business owner’s mind that raises suspicion.  If something is indeed very good, why will the person that has a wonderful solution not add monetary value to it?

A wise businessman gave me a remarkable answer when I asked him what he would regard as the best method to market and promote Skopus Business Consultants.  This man was a retired marketing director at a very large international company.  A few years ago, he decided to leave the corporate world and the start a very successful distribution business.  Let’s call this man “Harold”.

After I asked Harold about the best marketing method, he was quiet for a while.  Then he made on and only one gesture.  He stuck his tongue out and put his finger on his tongue.  “Use this”, Harold said and started to talk about something else.

For a small business, the tongue is indeed a very powerful tool.  It is the quickest and most cost efficient way to promote one’s business.  It may not be as glamorous as full-colour brochures.  It is certainly not as attractive as a clever radio advertisement or a 30-second splash on television.  However, it can be very effective.

Talking someone else about out businesses, carries more power than we can ever imagine.  Telling our stories – how we started and what drives us to believe in our businesses – is a personal endorsement.  It is spoken with enthusiasm and with sincerity.  It compels us to BELIEVE in the success of our business.

Telling someone about our business does not mean it is the only thing we can talk about.  One has to be patient to tell about one’s business.  One has to be aware of situations around you.  One has to listen to what others have to say and one has to be attuned to possible needs expressed by the other speaking.

Of course, timing is everything.  When someone expresses a need at a cocktail party, it may not be appropriate to hog the conversation and tell about your business.  It may be more appropriate to say something such as “you know, I am very aware of the issue you just described.  Maybe you and I can talk about a possible solution at another time?”

If the person agrees, the follow up on the conversation and tell how your business may contribute to meet one or more needs that you were mentioned in passing to you.  Who knows what sales opportunity may arise?

The tongue is indeed a powerful and cost effective marketing tool.

This is the official blog of Skopus Business Consultants.  Visit us at